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SHA employees find new AIMS version "straight-forward and user friendly" in testing
May 23, 2024
Categories: AIMS Project, Contracting, Human Resources, Payroll and Scheduling
Employees with the Saskatchewan Health Authority's (SHA) Environmental Services team were happy to test improvements to the Administrative Information Management System (AIMS) this spring, and just as happy with the results.

AIMS is a provincial health system initiative involving the SHA, 3sHealth, eHealth, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, SAHO, and affiliated employers. The partnership integrates more than 80 individual, outdated systems used to support finance, human resources, and supply chain management data, to centralize information, and to shift many processes online—eventually resulting in a paperless system.
The SHA workers took part in Targeted User Testing earlier this spring. Sixty-seven team members from Regina joined more than 1,200 acute care, long-term care, primary care, and public health employees across Saskatchewan to test time entry and scheduling systems. Testing confirmed improvements were made to system performance, making it easier for employees to navigate and use.
“Testing was straight-forward and user-friendly, we found there was less clicking,” said team manager Terry, reporting the findings of his team. He added that it was nice to see employees who were comfortable with technology step up to help others in testing who weren’t.
Time entry and scheduling are being implemented in waves two, three, and four of the AIMS implementation later this year, after the finance, human resources, and supply chain management systems are successfully implemented this summer in the first wave.
In addition, the team, “found the instructors to be helpful. We felt our suggestions were taken seriously by the AIMS team.”
As part of Targeted User Testing, instructors guided participants through testing scripts to complete specific tasks, such as requesting holidays, checking schedules, and trading shifts. While there was a bit of confusion around usernames and passwords in the beginning, participants appreciated the support and the opportunity to learn new skills.
Based on feedback from our team, “We believe the new system will be manageable,” he said. “But like anything new, there will likely be some bumps in the road that will take some time to get used to.”
For example, test participants recognized that some detailed, process-related questions could not be covered in testing (such as how many days in advance holidays can be requested), but they are hopeful those details will come with training. If there was one suggestion for improvement, the team would have preferred to use their own personal mobile devices for testing, adding that not everyone has a desktop computer at home, but many can access a mobile device.
Targeted User Testing was the first of several testing steps and decision gates that must be achieved before AIMS can begin rolling out throughout the health system. Wave one is anticipated to begin this summer, provided all testing criteria are successfully achieved.